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  • Writer's pictureNour El Tamimy

Perfection is a disease of a nation

Beyoncé said it first.

But how easy is it to say those words, when she literally is the definition of perfection for millions of people out there?

I was around 16 years old, when I first heard that song.

I couldn’t really identify with the words to “Pretty hurts”.

But as years passed by and I found myself listening to that same song again, it finally made sense. I was just too caught up in the surface, to dig deeper, like the song describes.

Stop trying to impress people with things you don’t like; with money you can’t afford.

Your appearance is not a factor you should ever base your decisions in life on. Enjoy going to your friend’s birthday even if you aren’t wearing the fanciest designer bag, go on that trip, regardless of your acne that no one cares about and attend that family gathering, even if you aren’t feeling your prettiest that day.

After those last few months, if there is one thing that we have learned, it is, that time especially with your loved ones is very precious and you should always try to make the best out of it.

The energy you radiate matters, your smile after a long day, your sparkling eyes when you see something you love or that line on your cheeks you get when someone makes a stupid joke, but you can’t help yourself and smile.

Aspire to be happy with who you are and what you stand for!



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